Peak Coverage¶
Draw peak on Hi-C contact matrix.
import coolbox
from coolbox.api import *
HiCPeaks Coverage accept bedpe format:
test_cool = "../../../tests/test_data/cool_chr9_4000000_6000000.mcool"
test_peak = "../../../tests/test_data/peak_chr9_4000000_6000000.bedpe"
frame = XAxis() + \
Cool(test_cool, cmap="JuiceBoxLike") + \
HiCPeaksCoverage(test_peak, color="#2255ff", line_width=5)


Hi-C Peaks(Loops) from .bedpe file. Used to show the peaks on the Hi-C interaction map.
file: str
Path of .bedpe file
pos : str, optional
Method for choosing arch anchor for bedpe data: 'start', 'end', 'mid', default 'mid'
style : str, optional
Style of arcs plot: 'arcs', 'hicpeaks', default 'arcs'
line_width : float, optional
Width of arc line.
score_to_width : str, optional
Mapping function of score to width, default: '0.5 + sqrt(score)'
diameter_to_height : str, optional
Mapping function of arc diameter(interval end - start) to height.
You can specify to 'max_diameter' let all arcs has same height.
default 'max_height * diameter / max_diameter'.
orientation : str, optional
Track orientation, use 'inverted' for inverted track plot. default None
line_style : str, optional
Border line style, default 'solid'
fill : bool, optional
Fill center or not, default False.
fill_color : str, optional
Fill color, use 'bed_rgb' for specify color in file,
default 'bed_rgb'.
side : {'upper', 'lower', 'both'}
Plot peak in which side of the matrix.
NOTE: This parameters is useful only if the Cool track in matrix format.
alpha : float, optional
Alpha value of track, default 0.8.
properties_dict : dict
The properties(features) of this track. For example 'height', 'color'...
name : str, optional
The name of Track.
(Default: "{self.__class__.__name__}.{self.__class__._counts}")
title : str, optional
Title of ax
height : int, optional
Height of ax
color : str, optional;
Color of ax
properties : dict
The properties(features) of this track. For example 'height', 'color'...
name : str
The name of Track.
coverages : list of `coolbox.api.coverage.Coverage`
Coverages on this Track.
CLI code¶
coolbox add XAxis - \
add Cool ../../../tests/test_data/cool_chr9_4000000_6000000.mcool - \
add HiCPeaksCoverage ../../../tests/test_data/peak_chr9_4000000_6000000.bedpe - \
goto "chr9:4700000-5600000" - \
plot /tmp/test_coolbox_hicpeak.png