Quickstart (API)

This document is for teaching the basic usage of coolbox API and explaining some basic conceptions. It is a good starting point for using CoolBox.

Interactive online version: Binder

First, let’s import all the components from coolbox.api, and check your CoolBox version.

# change working directory
import os
print(f"Current working directory: {os.path.abspath(os.curdir)}")
import coolbox
from coolbox.api import *

Data preparation

Testing dataset

Here, we use a small testing dataset for convenience. This dataset contains files in differnet file formats, and they are in the same genome range (chr9:4000000-6000000) of the human reference genome (hg19).

!ls -lh tests/test_data/
total 197152
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   787K Dec  6 04:11 bam_chr9_4000000_6000000.bam
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   5.8K Jan 16 09:32 bam_chr9_4000000_6000000.bam.bai
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   8.5K Dec  6 04:11 bed_chr9_4000000_6000000.bed
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   2.2K Jan 16 09:32 bed_chr9_4000000_6000000.bed.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   220B Jan 16 09:32 bed_chr9_4000000_6000000.bed.bgz.tbi
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff    18K Dec  6 04:11 bedgraph_chr9_4000000_6000000.bg
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   264B Dec  6 04:11 bedpe_chr9_4000000_6000000.bedpe
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   147B Jan 16 09:14 bedpe_chr9_4000000_6000000.bedpe.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   160B Jan 16 09:14 bedpe_chr9_4000000_6000000.bedpe.bgz.px2
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff    31K Dec  6 04:11 bigwig_chr9_4000000_6000000.bw
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff    23M Jan 15 22:08 cool_chr1_89000000_90400000_for_cmp_1.mcool
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff    23M Jan 15 22:08 cool_chr1_89000000_90400000_for_cmp_2.mcool
-rw-r--r--@ 1 bakezq  staff    26M Dec  6 23:26 cool_chr9_4000000_6000000.mcool
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff    13M Jan 16 06:07 dothic_chr9_4000000_6000000.hic
-rw-r--r--@ 1 bakezq  staff   9.3M Dec 29 19:24 down100.ctcf.pkl
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   535K Dec  6 04:11 gtf_chr9_4000000_6000000.gtf
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff    28K Jan 16 09:21 gtf_chr9_4000000_6000000.gtf.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   398B Jan 16 09:21 gtf_chr9_4000000_6000000.gtf.bgz.tbi
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff    32K Dec  6 04:11 hg19_ideogram.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   1.9K Dec  6 04:11 human.hg19.genome
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   2.1K Dec  6 23:26 make_test_dataset.py
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   777B Dec  6 04:11 pairs_chr9_4000000_6000000.pairs
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   298B Jan 16 09:14 pairs_chr9_4000000_6000000.pairs.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   258B Jan 16 09:14 pairs_chr9_4000000_6000000.pairs.bgz.px2
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   592B Dec  6 04:11 peak_chr9_4000000_6000000.bedpe
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   206B Jan 16 09:22 peak_chr9_4000000_6000000.bedpe.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   222B Jan 16 09:22 peak_chr9_4000000_6000000.bedpe.bgz.px2
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   765K Dec  6 04:11 snp_chr9_4000000_6000000.snp
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   299K Jan 16 09:25 snp_chr9_4000000_6000000.snp.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   1.1K Jan 16 09:25 snp_chr9_4000000_6000000.snp.bgz.tbi
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   432B Dec  6 04:11 tad_chr9_4000000_6000000.bed
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   153B Jan 16 09:25 tad_chr9_4000000_6000000.bed.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 bakezq  staff   133B Jan 16 09:25 tad_chr9_4000000_6000000.bed.bgz.tbi
# Here, we define const values for reference files easily later
DATA_DIR = "tests/test_data"
TEST_RANGE = "chr9:4000000-6000000"
RANGE_MARK = "chr9_4000000_6000000"

Track is the basic element

In CoolBox ploting system, “Track” is the basic element. If you have used genome browsers like UCSC Genome Browser or WashU EpiGenome Browser, you must know what it is.

Basically, “Track” is an image that is related to a piece of continuous region on the reference genome. The most common track is the bigWig track, If you have read some papers about epigenomics you must have seen some figures like this:

bigwig_path = f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw"

frame = XAxis() + BigWig(bigwig_path)  # input a file path
frame.plot(TEST_RANGE)  # input a genome range

Actually, bigWig is just one kind of track. There are other kinds of tracks in CoolBox used to display other kinds of genomic data like long range genome interaction from ChIA-PET and genome contact matrix from Hi-C.

Track types

Now, CoolBox supports the following track types:

Track Type

Relevant file format




Base class for all tracks.



X axis of genome.



For add vertical space between two tracks.



BAM track for visualize the coverage or alignment.



Track of GTF file, for visualize gene annotation.



Base class for all hist-like tracks.



Track of bigWig file.



Track of bedgraph file.



BAM Coverage track for visualize reads coverage.


.tsv, .vcf

Track for show SNPs Manhattan plot. Input file is a tab-split file, contain SNP’s chrom, position, pvalue information.


.cool, .mcool, .hic

Virtual 4C track, using Hi-C data to mimic 4C.


.cool, .mcool, .hic

Directionality index of Hi-C matrix for detecting TAD.


.cool, .mcool, .hic

Insulation score of Hi-C matrix for inferring TAD borders.



Base class for all bed-like(1d intervals) tracks.



Track of Bed file, for visualization genome annotation,like refSeq genes and chromatin states or TAD intervals.



Track Coverage for showing TAD(topologically associated domains) upon a HicMat track.



Nase class for all bedpe-like(2d contacts/regions) tracks.


.pairs, .bedpe

Show the chromosome interactions get from ChIA-PET or Hi-C loop data.



Same to Arcs, specific to BEDPE file



Same to Arcs, specific to Pairs file


.bedpe, .pairs

HiCPeaks Coverage track for displaying peaks upon a HicMat track.



Base class for all matrix-like(2d ndarray) tracks.


.cool, .mcool, .hic

Show the chromosome contact matrix from Hi-C data.


.cool, .mcool

Same to HiCMat, specific to cooler’s .cool or .mcool format.



Same to HiCMat, specific to juicer .hic file format.


.cool, .mcool, .hic

Show the difference between two contact matrix.


.cool, .mcool, .hic

Show the difference computed by Selfish algorithm between two contact matrix.

Other kinds of tracks:

BED track :

BED track is used to show the genome annotation information like RefSeq or chromatin states. Here, we have the RefSeq data which can be visualized with coolbox.api.BED:

Visualizing RefSeq with CoolBox:

frame = XAxis() + BED(f"{DATA_DIR}/bed_{RANGE_MARK}.bed") + TrackHeight(8)

[WARNING:plot.py:56 -           plot_genes()] *WARNING* Color set to 'bed_rgb', but bed file does not have the rgb field. The color has been set to #1f78b4

GTFtrack :

GTF track is also used to visualize gene annotations:

frame = XAxis() + GTF(f"{DATA_DIR}/gtf_{RANGE_MARK}.gtf") + TrackHeight(5)


Hi-C (.cool) Track

CoolBox also supports Hi-C data visualization.

CoolBox supports two types of input format for Hi-C matrix data, .cool and .hic file.

Their API is very similar, You can use CoolBox.api.HiCMat to visualize both.

Here, we use a .cool file as an example.

multi-cool(.mcool) for multiple resolution Hi-C matrix

Cooler file supports multi-resolution interaction matrix storage (normally file name ends with .mcool), this feature allows us take appropriate resolution matrix data depending on the corresponding genome region size, it lets program respond fast when plotting the Hi-C matrix.

The multi-resolution cooler file is recommended. You can use cooler zoomify command to create multi-resolution cooler file from a single resolution cooler file.

frame = XAxis() + HiCMat(f"{DATA_DIR}/cool_{RANGE_MARK}.mcool")

Default Hi-C Track will be plotted in triangular style. It also can be plotted in matrix or window style.

Just specify the style parameter, when creating Cool instance, like this:

frame = XAxis() + \
    HiCMat(f"{DATA_DIR}/cool_{RANGE_MARK}.mcool", style='matrix', color_bar='horizontal')
frame = XAxis() + HiCMat(f"{DATA_DIR}/cool_{RANGE_MARK}.mcool", style='window', depth_ratio=0.3)

Cool shows balanced matrix as default, if you want to show the unbalanced matrix, you can set as:

frame = XAxis() + HiCMat(f"{DATA_DIR}/cool_{RANGE_MARK}.mcool", style='window', depth_ratio=0.3, balance=False) + MinValue(1)

Arcs Track

Technologies like ChIA-PET or HiChIP can produce many long-range genome-wide chromatin interactions.

And, sometimes, the Hi-C contact matrix contains too much information than needed. When we only need some of the most important interactions from it, we can use some tools like HICCUPS to call the most significant interactions, or “peaks” from the contact matrix.

In either case, Arcs Track can be used to visulize the data. Arcs track accepts .pairs or .bedpe format:

frame = XAxis() + Arcs(f"{DATA_DIR}/bedpe_{RANGE_MARK}.bedpe", line_width=2)
# Pairs
frame = XAxis() + Arcs(f"{DATA_DIR}/pairs_{RANGE_MARK}.pairs", line_width=1.5)

Compose Tracks to Frame

In CoolBox you can compose tracks with “+” operator, as shown above, compose XAxis track and a bigwig track to a frame object:

frame = XAxis() + BigWig("data/K562_RNASeq.bigWig")

Frame is a higher level object and it denotes a set of related tracks. We can use a long “+” expression to compose a complex Frame.

cool1 = Cool(f"{DATA_DIR}/cool_{RANGE_MARK}.mcool")

frame = XAxis() + \
    cool1 + Title("Hi-C(.cool)") + \
    Spacer(0.5) + \
    Virtual4C(cool1, "chr9:4986000-4986000") + Title("Virtual4C") + \
    Spacer(0.5) + \
    BAMCov(f"{DATA_DIR}/bam_{RANGE_MARK}.bam") + Title("BAM Coverage") +\
    Spacer(0.5) + \
    Arcs(f"{DATA_DIR}/bedpe_{RANGE_MARK}.bedpe") + Inverted() + Title("Arcs(BEDPE)") + \
    Spacer(0.1) + \
    Arcs(f"{DATA_DIR}/pairs_{RANGE_MARK}.pairs") + Inverted() + Title("Arcs(Pairs)") + \
    GTF(f"{DATA_DIR}/gtf_{RANGE_MARK}.gtf", length_ratio_thresh=0.005) + TrackHeight(6) + Title("GTF Annotation") + \
    Spacer(0.1) + \
    BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") + Title("BigWig")

Adjust Tracks and Frame with Feature

Maybe you have noticed that, in the complex expression above, there are some elements which added with Tracks is not a Track, for example, the TrackHeight, Title and Title.

These elements are Feature and they represent the features of the Track.

For example, we set the color and track height feature of a bigWig track.

frame = XAxis() + \
        BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") + \
        Color("#ce00ce") + TrackHeight(8)

And we can adjust the min value and max value of the track:

frame = XAxis() + \
        BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") + \
        Color("#ce00ce") + TrackHeight(5) + \
        MinValue(0) + MaxValue(50)

with statement

By the way, there are one useful trick, you can use Feature with “with statement”, like:

with Color("#fd9c6b"):
    frame1 = XAxis() +\
             BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") +\
             BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw")  +\

with Color("#66ccff"):
    frame2 = BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") +\

frame = frame1 + frame2

As shown above, any tracks created inside the “with statement” will have the specified feature.

Using this trick, we can simplify the complex expression:


Sometimes we need to draw some graphics above the original figure, for example, the vertical lines and highlight regions. CoolBox has another kinds of element, the Coverage. We can add coverage with track, after added to track, coverage will be plotted above the track when the track is plotted.

Vertical lines

locus = [("chr9", 4500000), ("chr9", 5000000)]
frame = XAxis() + BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") + Vlines(locus, line_width=2)

Like the Feature if you want a set of tracks with same coverge, you can use the “with statement”:

with Vlines(locus, line_width=2):
    frame = BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") +\
            BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") +\
frame = XAxis() + frame + XAxis()

Or, you can also use * operator do this:

frame = BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") +\
        BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") +\
frame = frame * Vlines(locus, line_width=2)
frame = XAxis() + frame + XAxis()


regions= ["chr9:4600000-5000000", "chr9:5750000-5950000"]

highlights = HighLights(regions, color="green", alpha=0.05)

with highlights, Color("#aa5cff"):
    frame = BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") +\
            BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") +\

frame = XAxis() + frame + XAxis()

Explore Genomic Data with coolbox.api.Browser

When you want to explore the data, you will change the genome region window very frequently. Under these circumstances, when you want to do the operations like “move right”, “move left”, “zoom in”, “zoom out”, if you use above Frame.plot API to plot the figure, you must change parameters and run again. It is tiresome and boring. In order to solve this problem, CoolBox impletmented a simple GUI with ipywidgets.

You can create a Browser instance with a composed frame, and call .show() method to show the browser.

cool1 = Cool(f"{DATA_DIR}/cool_{RANGE_MARK}.mcool")

frame = XAxis() + \
    cool1 + Title("Hi-C(.cool)") + \
    Spacer(0.5) + \
    Virtual4C(cool1, "chr9:4986000-4986000") + Title("Virtual4C") + \
    Spacer(0.5) + \
    BAM(f"{DATA_DIR}/bam_{RANGE_MARK}.bam") + Title("BAM Coverage") +\
    Spacer(0.5) + \
    Arcs(f"{DATA_DIR}/bedpe_{RANGE_MARK}.bedpe") + Inverted() + Title("Arcs(BEDPE)") + \
    Spacer(0.1) + \
    Arcs(f"{DATA_DIR}/pairs_{RANGE_MARK}.pairs") + Inverted() + Title("Arcs(Pairs)") + \
    GTF(f"{DATA_DIR}/gtf_{RANGE_MARK}.gtf", length_ratio_thresh=0.005) + TrackHeight(6) + Title("GTF Annotation") + \
    Spacer(0.1) + \
    BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{RANGE_MARK}.bw") + Title("BigWig")

bsr = Browser(frame)

Note: browser is valid only when the jupyter kernel is active


Fetch precise data use .fetch_data API

In CoolBox, data and figure are bound together with a single Python object. So, you can fetch precise data of what you see in the figure.

Call the .fetch_data method of Browser or Frame, will return an collection.OrderDict which stores many pandas.Dataframe objects corresponding to each track in the browser or frame, and the data is only about the current genome region.

OrderedDict([('XAxis.21', <coolbox.core.track.pseudo.XAxis at 0x7fc1191fbaf0>),
              <coolbox.core.track.hicmat.cool.Cool at 0x7fc0ffa16790>),
              <coolbox.core.track.pseudo.Spacer at 0x7fc0ffa16eb0>),
              <coolbox.core.track.hist.hicfeature.Virtual4C at 0x7fc0ffa160a0>),
              <coolbox.core.track.pseudo.Spacer at 0x7fc0ffa163d0>),
             ('BAM.1', <coolbox.core.track.bam.BAM at 0x7fc0ffa164c0>),
              <coolbox.core.track.pseudo.Spacer at 0x7fc0ffa16e50>),
              <coolbox.core.track.arcs.bedpe.BEDPE at 0x7fc0ffa162b0>),
              <coolbox.core.track.pseudo.Spacer at 0x7fc0ffa16070>),
              <coolbox.core.track.arcs.pairs.Pairs at 0x7fc0ffa166a0>),
             ('GTF.3', <coolbox.core.track.gtf.GTF at 0x7fc0ffa16e80>),
              <coolbox.core.track.pseudo.Spacer at 0x7fc0ffa16130>),
              <coolbox.core.track.hist.bigwig.BigWig at 0x7fc0ffa160d0>)])
current_data = bsr.fetch_data()

Data of each track related to the current genome range are stored in this dict:

current_cool = current_data['Cool.6']
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
(401, 401)
seqname source feature start end score strand frame attribute gene_name
0 chr9 protein_coding gene 3824127 4348392 . - . gene_id "ENSG00000107249"; gene_name "GLIS3"; ... GLIS3
1 chr9 protein_coding transcript 3824127 4152183 . - . gene_id "ENSG00000107249"; transcript_id "ENST... GLIS3
2 chr9 protein_coding transcript 3827698 4299916 . - . gene_id "ENSG00000107249"; transcript_id "ENST... GLIS3
3 chr9 retained_intron transcript 3855437 4118017 . - . gene_id "ENSG00000107249"; transcript_id "ENST... GLIS3
4 chr9 processed_transcript transcript 3932360 4081361 . - . gene_id "ENSG00000107249"; transcript_id "ENST... GLIS3

We can perform some statistics analysis on it. For example, count the distribution of interaction count, etc…

Taken together

DATA_DIR = f"tests/test_data"
test_interval = "chr9:4000000-6000000"
test_itv = test_interval.replace(':', '_').replace('-', '_')

cool1 = Cool(f"{DATA_DIR}/cool_{test_itv}.mcool", cmap="JuiceBoxLike", style='window', color_bar='vertical')
with TrackHeight(2):
    frame = XAxis() + \
        cool1 + Title("Hi-C(.cool)") + \
        TADCoverage(f"{DATA_DIR}/tad_{test_itv}.bed", border_only=True, alpha=1) + Title("HIC with TADs") + \
        Spacer(0.1) + \
        BED(f"{DATA_DIR}/tad_{test_itv}.bed", border_only=True, alpha=1) + Title("TADs") + \
        DiScore(cool1, window_size=30) + Feature(title="Directionality index") + \
        InsuScore(cool1, window_size=30) + Title("Insulation score") + \
        Virtual4C(cool1, "chr9:4986000-4986000") + Title("Virtual4C") + \
        BAMCov(f"{DATA_DIR}/bam_{test_itv}.bam") + Title("BAM Coverage") +\
        Spacer(0.1) + \
        Arcs(f"{DATA_DIR}/bedpe_{test_itv}.bedpe", line_width=1.5) + Title("Arcs(BEDPE)") + \
        Arcs(f"{DATA_DIR}/pairs_{test_itv}.pairs", line_width=1.5) + Inverted() + Title("Arcs(Pairs)") + \
        GTF(f"{DATA_DIR}/gtf_{test_itv}.gtf", length_ratio_thresh=0.005) + TrackHeight(6) + Title("GTF Annotation") + \
        Spacer(0.1) + \
        BigWig(f"{DATA_DIR}/bigwig_{test_itv}.bw") + Title("BigWig") + \
        BedGraph(f"{DATA_DIR}/bedgraph_{test_itv}.bg") + Title("BedGraph") + \
        Spacer(0.1) + \
        BED(f"{DATA_DIR}/bed_{test_itv}.bed") + Feature(height=10, title="BED Annotation")
frame.properties['width'] = 45

[WARNING:plot.py:56 -           plot_genes()] *WARNING* Color set to 'bed_rgb', but bed file does not have the rgb field. The color has been set to #1f78b4
[WARNING:plot.py:56 -           plot_genes()] *WARNING* Color set to 'bed_rgb', but bed file does not have the rgb field. The color has been set to #1f78b4