# Installation & Usage ## Install CoolBox Recommend use [conda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) to manage environments. You can install from the bioconda channel: ```bash $ conda install -c bioconda coolbox ``` Or install from the source code, by this way you can use the latest updated features: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/GangCaoLab/CoolBox.git $ cd CoolBox $ conda env create --file environment.yml $ conda activate coolbox $ python setup.py install ``` Another way is install from PyPI. But you should ensure these [dependency](https://github.com/GangCaoLab/CoolBox/blob/master/environment.yml) is installed. ```bash $ pip install coolbox ``` After installation, you should enable `ipywidgets` to use the browser in Jupyter notebook: ```bash $ jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension ``` ## Usage CoolBox can be use in two ways. Directly using its Python API or using the command line interface. ### API User can import `coolbox` in Jupyter notebook to draw figures or compose a Browser object to interactively explore their genomic data. ![browser](../images/browser_compose_1.png) For this purpose, you can reference this [Quickstart (API) page](https://gangcaolab.github.io/CoolBox/quick_start_API.html). Or just import `coolbox` as a Python plot package use in their own plot script. ### CLI Command line users can use CoolBox in a more convenient way. They can directly draw genomic track plot or compose browser by simple command line: ![fig_CLI](../images/fig_CLI.png) ### For Windows Users Currently, CoolBox cannot be run natively on Windows. But you can use the WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux) to run it. See [this](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10) Or, you can choose to use docker on Windows. ### Docker Pull the CoolBox docker image: ``` $ docker pull nanguage/coolbox ``` Run a container, with mount current directory in file system to the '/data' in the container. And binding the container port `8888` (jupyter default port) to the host port `9000`: ``` $ docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/data -p 9000:8888 nanguage/coolbox:latest ``` Then run jupyter notebook in the container: ``` $ jupyter notebook --ip= --allow-root ## will print the token here ``` Then open with your browser, and type the token printed in the console.